Met someone on here. Happy to share a success long distance story if you are interested.

It all started on when I sent a "Happy Valentines Day" Wink on December 8,2015to my amazing man Andrew.

When I had put up my profile in 2015 I didn't know what to expect. I never online dated before. I had many men contact me through this site, but none were of the quality that I was looking for. None of the profiles that I had read spoke to me. Most of the profiles that I read sounded like anyone could fit the bill and that they were not looking for anyone specific, just someone to love.

I created a relationship vision of what exactly I was looking for. I knew I wanted a man who thought bigger and successful and who had a desire to grow. I had been through a lot of growing and learning in the past 10 plus years and desired a life that was outstanding and wanted a specific person to share that with.

He was the first and only man that I initiated contact with.
When Andrews picture came on my screen as someone I may be interested in, he was very attractive, so I clicked to read his profile.

What he wrote seemed exactly what I had in my vision of who I was looking for. He was clear and wanted a specific person too, not just anyone. His words describing himself and his potential mate attracted me so much that I had to initiate contact with my weird sense of humour to give him a little taste of who I am.

My happy Valentine's Day wink in December! This man actually got my humour! We have talked ever since. It was amazing learning about him and falling in love with him online. My heart became so connected to him over the 6 months before we met.

It took until May 2016 to meet since we live on opposite ends of the earth. Him in Australia and me in Canada. Our first date was in Hawaii!! We met halfway! It was a bit awkward at first being my first time that I actually met anyone from online! I was really nervous. We quickly got in sync and my heart was back swirling with love for this man. We continued to see each other, our second date was Paris, then Italy, Santorini, Athens, Istanbul, Amsterdam, and the UK.(we were in Hawaii)

He then traveled to Canada, and next me to Australia. Now on to his second extended visit to Canada I am loving being in his physical presence.

It hasn't been easy, but with our love and connection and our desire to learn and grow together, we are creating the most incredibly outstanding relationship of my desires! I am so grateful to millionaire match for bringing him and me together! I am looking forward to experiencing our future. Yep, I would move to the ends of the earth for this man! Even in Spider country!

Advice to other members:

Be clear about who you are and who you are looking for. Be clear in the relationship you wish to attract. It's best to weed out most people and attract the best one for you! A specific one!!

We are open to talking to people who would like some advice or help in attracting "The One"

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